HIV/AIDS Resources for Healthcare Professionals

Despite the stigma that HIV/AIDS carry, modern medicine has made it possible for people with HIV to live long, healthy, and active lives.

HIV/AIDS continues to be a significant public health challenge in the US. The annual number of new diagnoses decreased 7% from 2014 to 2018, but Hispanics/Latinos accounted for 27% of the new HIV diagnoses. As the largest and fastest-growing minority in the US, coupled with disproportionate rates of HIV/AIDS, Hispanics are crucially important to prioritize in HIV prevention and care efforts, especially among MSM and transgender women. The National Hispanic Medical Association’s (NHMA) partnership with CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign will increase HIV awareness, reduce new HIV infections, and improve health outcomes.


HIX NEXUS is a one-stop location for information across the HIV prevention and care continuum, including up-to-date tools and guidelines for your practice and educational materials for your patients.



HIV Stigma Fact Sheet

Visit HIV NEXUS Here

PreP for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States 2021 Update

HIV in Hispanics

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The Invisible US Hispanic/Latino HIV Crisis: Addressing Gaps in the National Response

American Journal of Public Health

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Disparities in HIV Care Among Hispanic/Latino Men and Women

American Journal of Managed Care

HIV Stigma and Health Care Discrimination Experienced by Hispanic or Latino Persons with HIV — United States, 2018–2020

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

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HIV Care Outcomes among Hispanics/Latinos with Diagnosed HIV in the United States by Place of Birth-2015–2018, Medical Monitoring Project

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

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Refining an implementation strategy to enhance the reach of HIV-prevention and behavioral health treatments to Latino men who have sex with men

Implementation Research & Practice

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HIV Testing Beliefs in a Predominantly Hispanic Community Health Center During the Routine HIV Testing Era: Does English Language Ability Matter?

AIDS Patient Care and STDs

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Ending the HIV epidemic in US Latinx sexual and gender minorities

The Lancet

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Factors Associated with Lack of HIV Testing among Latino Immigrant and Black Patients at 4 Geographically and Demographically Diverse Emergency Departments

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

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HIV and Hispanic/Latino People: HIV Diagnoses


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HIV and Hispanic/Latino People: Knowledge of Status


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HIV and Hispanic/Latino People: Risk Behaviors


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HIV and Hispanic/Latino People: PrEP Coverage


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HIV and Hispanic/Latino People: Viral Suppression


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HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Awareness and Referral to Providers Among Hispanic/Latino Persons — United States, 2019

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

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County-level factors affecting Latino HIV disparities in the United States


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Disparities within the Disparity – Determining HIV Risk Factors among Latino Gay and Bisexual Men Attending a Community-Based Clinic in Los Angeles, California

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

HIV in Women

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Mental Health in Women Living With HIV: The Unique and Unmet Needs

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

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The Efficacy of an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Hispanic Women

AIDS and Behavior

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Quality of care for Black and Latina women living with HIV in the U.S.: a qualitative study

International Journal for Equity in Health

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Social Determinants of Health for HIV Among Hispanic Women

Hispanic Health Care International

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SEPA (Salud/Health, Educación/Education, Prevención/Prevention, Autocuidado/Self-care): A Small Group-level Intervention for Heterosexually Active Hispanic Women/Latinas

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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Abused Women Report Greater Male Partner Risk and Gender-Based risk for HIV: Findings from a Community-Based Study with Hispanic Women
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Unique Factors that Place Older Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV: Intimate Partner Violence, Machismo, and Marianismo

Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

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A State of the Science on HIV Prevention Over 40 Years Among Black and Hispanic/Latinx Communities

Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

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Behavioral HIV Prevention Interventions Among Latinas in the US: A Systematic Review of the Evidence

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

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Factors That Influence HIV Risk among Hispanic Female Immigrants and Their Implications for HIV Prevention Interventions

International Journal of Family Medicine

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Hispanic Women’s Experiences With Substance Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Risk for HIV
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Factors that Influence Vulnerability to STDs and HIV/AIDS among Hispanic Women

Health Care for Women International

Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH) who Have HIV

NHMA Virtual Webinars (Free CME for members)

HIV Next Steps: An Overview of the Current Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV

NHMA is proud to partner with the American Academy of HIV Medicine to offer our HIV Next Steps: An Overview of the Current Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Webinar with our special guest Dora Martinez, MD, FAAFP, AAHIVS. Our webinar offers an overview and current spread of HIV in the U.S, factors affecting it and recommended treatment regimens for people living with HIV.

Research It! Women's and Girls HIVAIDS Care in the Gulf Coast

We have combined our “Let’s Stop HIV Together” campaign with our “All of Us” Research Program into an impactful webinar that highlights how increasing diversity in genetic research can help support HIV researchers and healthcare workers to provide care, increase adherence, or promote prevention strategies to vulnerable populations.

World AIDS Day IG Live

NHMA hosted its first World #AIDS Day IG Live on December 6th on Instagram at @NHMAmd. The event featured a panel of expert speakers who discussed the importance of recognizing World AIDS Day, community-oriented care, working towards health equity, combatting stigma, and key resources for HIV care providers.

HIV Chapter Forum Recording

Learn about the best practices to support and build awareness around older adults living with HIV/AIDS.

PrEP for It: Integrating HIV Prevention into Your Practice

This video is a recording of the Virtual Webinar for Providers: PrEP for It: Integrating HIV Prevention into Your Practice presented by the NHMA Phoenix Chapter on Zoom on March 8, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. ET. We joined medical experts and community leaders to to share their advice on HIV care and support.